New And Revised Edition For 2024

New And Revised Edition For 2024

Summer solstice WITH AURORA RAY

Join me for this energetic upgrade


Solstices and eclipses provide powerful energetic upgrades for both the planet and individuals. These events act as cosmic gateways to a higher, heart-centered consciousness. Join me and embrace the magnificent energies of the Summer Solstice. During this transformative Solstice workshop, you'll experience deep cleansing, purification, and an upgrade on a mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, and cellular level.

Go deep in this potent Kundalini Activation Technique, Sound Healing, and Meditation workshop with Aurora.

Aurora will teach the live workshop on Wednesday, June 19th. The workshop is two and a half hours long. The recording will be available on Thursday, June 20th, the day of the Solstice. This way you can repeat it in full or take segments for the following days after the solstice where the energies are still accelerated and supportive to achieve quantum leaps.

Live Workshop


Wednesday, June 19

10am-12:30pm EDT

Live Workshop & 1 year access to the Replay

Summer Solstice Workshop

Join the Summer Solstice Workshop

Embark on a transformative journey to the next dimension. This groundbreaking guide unlocks the secrets of raising your frequency, opening your heart, and transcending the limitations of the ego—all without years of meditation or costly healers.

Discover the profound event set to revolutionize human consciousness. As darkness gives way to light, we stand at the brink of a new world—5D heaven on Earth. The ascension of Gaia heralds a monumental shift, inviting all sentient beings to rise into this higher dimension. This book is your essential roadmap, presenting the wisdom and practical steps needed to align with this rising frequency and join Mother Gaia in the fifth-dimensional reality.

Awaken your god-creator power with ten practical steps, each meticulously designed to help you manifest your highest potential. From mastering the ascension diet to embodying your higher angelic self, these steps guide you to a life of abundance, health, love, and joy. Whether you seek healing, peace, or reunion with your twin flame, the tools within these pages will empower you to achieve your desires effortlessly.

Are You Ready for Ascension?

Learn the true meaning of ascension and the creation of our world. Rise above daily dramas and find peace, joy, and freedom. Unlock powerful, effortless healing techniques. Gain practical, easy-to-follow steps to ascend from 3D to 5D. Finally, manifest all your heart’s desires. Join the ascension. Embrace your divinity. Live your highest truth.

With “I AM god: How to Ascend to 5D in 10 Steps”, the keys to a magnificent future are in your hands. Start your journey today and transform your reality into the heaven on Earth you were always meant to experience.

Dream it. Live it. Ascend.

Table Of Contents

Content & Chapters

Chapter 1. The Ascension of Gaia
Chapter 2. I AM God

Chapter 3. Sophia, The Wisdom Goddess

Chapter 4. The Return of the Ultimate Goddess

Chapter 5. The Chakras & The Kundalini

Chapter 6. Meditation and the 3rd Eye

Chapter 7. Methods to Raise Your Vibrational Frequency

Chapter 8. DNA / Light Body / Merkaba

Chapter 9. The 1st Step to Ascension: The Godly Diet to Prepare the Temple Of God

Chapter 10. The 2nd Step to Ascension: Transmute all Lower Vibrations

Chapter 11. The 3rd Step to Ascension: Find Yourself

Chapter 12. The 4th Step to Ascension: Free Yourself

Chapter 13. The 5th Step to Ascension: Love Yourself Unconditionally

Chapter 14. The 6th Step to Ascension: Surrender to Love

Chapter 15. The 7th Step to Ascension: Receive Your Angelic Soul Name

Chapter 16. The 8th Step to Ascension: Embody Your Higher Angelic Self

Chapter 17. The 9th Step to Ascension: The Illuminated Twin Flame Reunion

Chapter 18. The 10th Step to Ascension: Sacred Sexuality

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Live Workshop


Just finished reading your book. The delivery and organization was amazing. You do a great job simplifying ideas and explaining them with ease. Very in sync the sacred souls are truly beginning to connect. Tyler Mcenroe

I am so happy I am crying. Everything starts to make sense. No wonder I never had any idea what to do in life and never “fitted” in 🙂 Thank you so much for this. I am unbelievable grateful. Ragna

Aurora Ray…thank you for being so open and honest sharing your story. Ours is very similar. All I can say is look at you NOW. You are an amazing beautiful soul! Thank you for all you have done to bring us all together. Thank you for the most wonderful book..I Am God, which I love very much! You show us so much love, how to have forgiveness and so much more everyday. I am so proud of you! I am honored to be part of this amazing family you have created! Much love to you my sister, Tamara Hale-Sheffler

I am really enjoying the I am God book. I have all the signs. I am working on the merkabah now. I am pretty well in all of the them. It gave me insight about all that was going on in and about me. Kept on asking “is this normal?” I am glad that I ordered the book.

Zaia F.

Thank you, dear Aurora and for ‘ I am God‘. It is such a blessing. The book helped heal lots of my confusions and answer all my questions. It’s very hurtful when you’re an ET here and not know why you feel this way and have these experiences. I fell on a post about it last week, bought it and since then, my energies are better. With lots and lots of love and thanks. Priya G.

I listened to your song just recently after a close friend passed it on. Following the music I’ve had an amazing uplifting experience. I started reading your book also. As soon as it was sent to me I knew I’d manifested the words into my life. It was like it was written for me and by me. It made me start remembering. It made me start seeing more. It’s made start to feel more. I’ve not even finished it yet but I’m taking my time and allowing the words to grow me spiritually. I’ve just started to learn more about the feminine energy and have seen my beautiful wife more now as my goddess. Thank you for your beautiful work. Namaste. Peter

Read your brilliant book twice in two days and have made myself a personal action plan. Thank you dear sister of light! Debra S. M.

I didn’t finish the book last night, Too tired and eyes blurring, But
I’ve finished it now and will read it again and again. Thank you . It is amazing. and without ego I can say that most of its content was known already in my heart and awakened as I read. This was an awesome discovery. There is nothing you’ve said that I can find fault with. Thank you again. I feel my thoughts have been confirmed and my belief strengthened. I feel I’m on my way and have been for some time. Thank you so much you are awesome. Michael Scannel

A friend of mine shared with me the link to this book back in Feb.. I had been Stuggling to find my Purpose.. Why am I here.. I had started to Question everything I had ever been told.. Nothing, I Mean NOTHING MADE SENSE ANYMORE…. My friend had be filling me FULL of info that Got my curiosity Jumping.. He seen the book being advertised on an Enlightenment sight on fb..I jumped on it. Bought it that very night.. Started reading the word and SO MUCH CAME TO LIGHT FOR MY HIGH SELF!! WITH IN THE FIRST CHAPTER I WAS HOOKED AND NEW… THIS WAS MY FIRST TEACHER TO MY HIGH SELF AND MY ENLIGHTENED SOUL.. I Have since Shared my Copy with a few others and my Advice is… A Closed mind is a WONDERFUL THIS TO WASTE.. Open ur Soul & Mind.. We are ALL GODS/GODDESS’ !! WE ARE MUCH MORE POWERFUL THAN WE WERE EVER LEAD TO BELIEVE.. THE POWER IS WITH IN YOU.. BELIEVE IT, LIVE IT AND BE IT..Take Only what u need from this and leave the Rest.. UR HIGH SELF IS WAITING FOR YOU TO WAKE UP!! THE TIME IS NOW HUMANS.. LOVE, LIGHT AND BLESSED BE 1 AND ALL. NAMASTÈ BEAUTIFUL SOULS♡☆♡☆ Betty Grissom

Hello Aurora, I bought your book I Am God in 2013 when I was traveling in Peru and just wanted to say how brilliant it is. Thank you. I'm loving your posts and just subscribed to them on Telegram. Keep up the good work. x Debra Sofia Magdalene

I so loved your book.I AM GOD..just what a needed to read.. must read again and take notes this time.. Thank you xx

Wayne Thompson

Why We Practice During Summer Solstice?

The summer solstice, the longest day of the year, occurs when Earth's orbit brings it furthest from the equator. This celestial event has been celebrated by cultures worldwide for centuries, symbolizing a time of abundance, light, and heightened energy. It invites us to deepen our connection with nature and the vital forces that sustain us.

On June 19th, Aurora Ray will harness this potent solar energy to facilitate inner healing and personal growth during a 2.5 hour live workshop. Utilizing the Kundalini Activation Technique, sound healing, and meditation, you will gain a profound understanding of your healing capabilities, experiencing a powerful resurgence of self.

Sign up until latest:

Your host

Aurora Ray

Aurora Ray is the author of “I AM god: How to Ascend to 5D in 10 Steps” and “Rawvolutionist: Ascension Recipes.” A Holistic Health Expert, Master Chef, Quantum Healing Coach, QHHT Practitioner, 9D Breathmaster, and Aquarian teacher of the Kundalini activation technique, she is the Founder of the Ascension Secrets Academy and an Ambassador of The Galactic Federation.

Aurora’s journey into higher consciousness began with early contact with the Galactic Federation, receiving quantum-level healing and knowledge. At the age of 11, the Pleiadians showed her the creation of the internet as a tool to unite Starseeds for their mission.

As an elder of the Lyran High Council and High Priestess of Atlantis, Aurora has been preparing her entire life to guide humanity through this time of great awakening and global ascension.

Welcome to the Age of Light. The Starseeds are here, and the time for ascension is now.

Live Workshop


Copyright 2024 - Aurora Ray